Friday, May 2, 2014

Red Sea Rules by Robert J. Morgan

Morgan was feeling overwhelmed with life's pressures when he turned to his daily Bible reading, Exodus 14. In further study and meditation on that chapter he identified ten principles for handling dilemmas and discouragements. He has found them to be an effective strategy for coping with the stresses of life.

His Red Sea Rule #1: Realize that God meant for you to be where you are. Rule #2: Be more concerned for God's glory than for your relief. He realized that asking the right question is essential. Rather than asking, “How can I get out of this mess?”, ask, “How can God be glorified in this situation?”

He continues to explore the biblical passage, identifying his rules. Some of them are expected, like Rule #4: Pray. He clarifies our choice – pray or panic.

Some of his rules will require discipline, like Rule #5: Stay calm and confident and give God time to work. Committing the situation to Him and waiting for Him to work is often hard. But Morgan also has a rule about taking the next step.

He has included many stories to illustrate his rules. Some are from his own life, some from biographies and many from the Bible. He includes stories of God's miraculous deliverance in Rule #8: Trust God to deliver in His own unique way. He describes God delivering overtly (through a miracle), covertly (by providence), and mysteriously (a deeper level of intervention than we can discern).

Each of the rules is a little Bible study in its own. Morgan has included questions for thought after each chapter and there is a study guide available at

This is a great little book. It would make a good devotional study, reading a chapter a day. It would also be a good book for a small group. Each of the rules is a practical and biblical principle that will help us live out our daily lives to the glory of God.

Robert J. Morgan is pastor of The Donelson Fellowship in Nashville, Tennessee, where he has served for thirty five years. He is the author of many books and a frequent speaker at conferences around the world. He and his wife have three daughters and twelve grandchildren. You can find out more at

Thomas Nelson Publishers, 160 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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